Developing and revising nursing guidelines

  • Nursing Clinical Effectiveness Committee

    The Nursing Clinical Effectiveness Committee (NCEC) oversees the review and publishing of the Nursing Guidelines at The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH).

    Chaired by The RCH Nursing Research team, members of the NCEC meet monthly and are from different areas across the RCH. The goal of the committee is to involve nurses from all areas of the hospital to ensure the guidelines are relevant for all practice settings, irrespective of where the child is being cared for.

    If you work at the RCH and are interested in joining the NCEC contact Nursing Research. Please read our Terms of Reference (RCH access only). 

    2024 Meeting dates and agenda deadlines

    Agenda item due date 

     NCEC Meeting 

     April 24  May 2
     May 29  June 6
     June 26  July 4
     July 24  August 1
     August 28  September 5
     September 25  October 3
     October 30  November 7
     November 27  December 5

    Guideline development and revision

    Guidelines published by the NCEC are due for a review within three years of the published date. An exception to this can occur if the guideline is revised prior to the due revision date because of new research/literature or a recommended change in clinical practice.


    Forms and templates

    Authorised by the NCEC, the below forms and templates are to support the development of nursing guidelines.

    • Guideline request form submission
    • Guideline Template: This template outlines the most common guideline headings and layout. Please note this is a guide only.
    • Guideline Evidence Table: The evidence table must be submitted along with the guideline draft to be reviewed by the committee. This will also be published with the guideline on the website.
    • Submission form for guideline draft and evidence table

    Please note the previous request form and education and implementation plan will be captured in the submission form.

    For a list of meeting dates and agenda deadlines please see: Meetings are held virtually.

    Questions? Contact